Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Farewell to Constant Companions II

It's been a frustrating few days here at the studio, just not performing at the level that I'm used to - a little dry for ideas, the will is there but the work ain't coming. I'm bailing on painting next week and finishing the final draft of the first book (see Any How Town blog) in the AHT series and getting back to the Agent game, maybe that's where my head should be.
The Jenneral and I have been supplementing our already semi healthy diet with a daily dose (about 12oz.) of fresh smashed juiced. We  bought a juicer after watching the doc "Hungry for Change" on Netflix (it may be on YouTube look it up) but the juicer and the coffee maker are competing for space and the juicer established his dominance today by knocking my coffee cup onto the ground.
I did have a nice breakthrough on Sunday in regards to the 30x40's that I have on the go and I've been doing some studies and sketches for those and I'll post them sometime soon.
I'll be hanging the Pin Up girls (three instead of the planned four) at the Press Club (850 Dundas West) tomorrow after 6pm come on by and pick one up and hear some bands.
Also congrats to Corin Raymond on the first night of the Paper Nickels CD release party at the Tranzac
that's all for today, wear your mits
A.Shay Hahn